Samuele Staderoli

Frontend web developer, User experience designer and Visual designer

Personal photo

Something About me

Since my high school days, the study of human behavior has been Ariadne's thread that has guided my education. Understanding how a man thinks, reasons, and acts represent, in my opinion, the starting point to realize every type of project. This has led me to have a 360 ° training, which has sprung from reading several novels that had marked Italian and foreign culture, up to the study of marketing, and related disciplines (consumer psychology, semiotics, and ergonomics) to realize "user-centered" outlines.
At the same time, I have pursued two great passions and have taken on the role of educator in my parish and 7-a-side football coach (in fact, I'm also a great soccer fan) that allowed me to improve my ability to interact with others in different circumstances.
Finally, I have started some projects in SEO and web marketing and I have been managing, since a few years ago, Instagram pages which are highly valued by my followers.


logo Bicocca
Master’s degree in «Teorie e Tecnologie della comunicazione»
Bicocca University in Milano
Attainment date: 30/03/2022
logo Cattolica
Bachelor's degree in «Linguaggi dei Media»
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Attainment date: 18/09/2019
logo Cattolica
logo IMA
High school diploma in Human Sciences
IMA Bonvesin
Attainment date: 09/07/2016

Parallel Course

logo Abea
Master in Web Design Production
Abea Srl
Attainment date: 15/02/2019
logo G.A.
Google analytics for beginners
Attainment date: 18/03/2020
logo G.A.


Photoshop/ Illustrator
Google Analytics
SEO/Social Media

Personal interests


During my undergraduate years, I took several marketing courses. In fact, my three-year thesis is named: "The new role of the physical store in an increasingly digital context" in which I try to define the new guidelines for the enhancement of the physical store in an omnichannel context.

Game Design

As a final project at the master course I brought a game design proposal with educational purposes entitled Eutierra.


Psychology has been the leitmotif of my university years. The study of how people think and, consequently, act, is the basis for any project.
